4 Where is Tito?

4.1 See the results on a map

TitoGmapsResults <- ImportData(filename = "TitoGmapsResults")
# Preparing the canvas, and forcing cache
wb <- c(left = 12, bottom = 40, right = 26, top = 48)
if (file.exists(file.path("temp", "mapTonerLite.rds"))==FALSE) {
  saveRDS(object = ggmap::get_stamenmap(bbox = wb, zoom = 6, maptype = "toner-lite") %>% ggmap(), file = file.path("temp", "mapTonerLite.rds"))

mapTonerLite <- readRDS(file = file.path("temp", "mapTonerLite.rds"))

TitoGmapsResults_point_gg <- 
  mapTonerLite + geom_point(data=TitoGmapsResults, aes(x=lon, y=lat), color="brown", size=2, alpha=0.5) +
  labs(x = '', y = '') + labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia", caption = "Source: Google Maps; https://giorgiocomai.eu/FindingTito")


ExportGraph(graph = TitoGmapsResults_point_gg, filename = "TitoGmapsResults_point_gg")

This image is available for download in .png, .svg, and as an object in R’s .rds format.

Comparing with OpenStreetMaps results

mapTonerLite + geom_point(data=ImportData("OSM_tito_all"), aes(x=lon, y=lat), color="orange", size=2, alpha=0.5) +
  labs(x = '', y = '') + labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito", subtitle = paste("(based on OpenStreetMap data as of", Sys.Date(), ")"))

On the same map:

OSM_gmaps_Tito <- bind_rows(TitoGmapsResults, ImportData("OSM_tito_all") %>% select(lon, lat), .id = "Source")

mapTonerLite + geom_point(data=OSM_gmaps_Tito, aes(x=lon, y=lat, color = Source), size=2, alpha=0.5) +
  labs(x = '', y = '') + labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito")

4.2 Density visualisations

TitoGmaps_density_gg <- mapTonerLite + 
    aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = ..level..,  alpha = ..level..),
    size = 2, bins = 8, data = TitoGmapsResults,
    geom = "polygon"
) + labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia", caption = "Source: Google Maps; https://giorgiocomai.eu/FindingTito") + theme(legend.position="none")


ExportGraph(graph = TitoGmaps_density_gg, filename = "TitoGmaps_density_gg")

This image is available for download in .png, .svg, and as an object in R’s .rds format.

TitoGmaps_density_sq_gg <- 
  mapTonerLite + stat_bin2d(
    aes(x = lon, y = lat),
    size = .5, bins = 20, alpha = 1/2,
    data = TitoGmapsResults) +
  scale_fill_gradient(low = "#ffffb2", high = "#bd0026") +
  labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia", caption = "Source: Google Maps; https://giorgiocomai.eu/FindingTito")


ExportGraph(graph = TitoGmaps_density_sq_gg, filename = "TitoGmaps_density_sq_gg")

This image is available for download in .png, .svg, and as an object in R’s .rds format.

4.3 By country / Administrative level

At the sub-country level, Google Maps records two levels of administrative sub-divisions. Unfortunately, not all streets are recorded with the respective sub-division, and the categorisation does not seem to be consistent.

N.B.: names of countries and administrative units are here presented exactly as they are outputted by the Google APIs. The author is thus not responsible for the uneven trasliteration, or for the names chosen to refer to countries or administrative units.

TitoGmapsMore <- bind_rows(ImportData(filename = "titovResults"), ImportData("marsalaTitaResults")) %>% 
  filter(type=="route", country != "Italy") %>% # exclude non-YU and non streets/squares
  filter(grepl(pattern = "Tit|Tит", x = route)) %>% # remove most non-tito
  filter(!grepl(pattern = "Strozzi|Brezova", x = route)) %>%  # remove remaining non-Tito
  distinct(address, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% # remove those with same address
  distinct(locality, route, .keep_all = TRUE) %>% #remove same locality, same street name
  distinct(lon, lat, route, administrative_area_level_1, administrative_area_level_2, country)

TitoGmapsByCountry <- bind_rows(TitoGmapsMore %>% count(country, sort = TRUE),
                                data_frame(country = "Kosovo", n = 0))

# manually adding Kosovo = 0

ShowTable(data = TitoGmapsByCountry, caption = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia, by country, according to Google Maps/#FindingTito")
Streets and squares dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia, by country, according to Google Maps/#FindingTito
country n
Serbia 173
Croatia 38
Macedonia (FYROM) 36
Bosnia and Herzegovina 23
Slovenia 5
Montenegro 4
Kosovo 0
ExportData(data = TitoGmapsByCountry, filename = "TitoGmapsByCountry")

The data are available as a spreadsheet in .csv, .xlsx, and as a data frame in R’s .rds format.

TitoGmapsByCountry_gg <- ImportData(filename = "TitoGmapsByCountry") %>% mutate(country = forcats::fct_inorder(country)) %>% 
  ggplot(mapping = aes(x = country, y = n, label = n)) +
  geom_col() +
  geom_text(nudge_y = 5) +
  scale_x_discrete(name = "") +
  scale_y_continuous(name = "") +
  theme_minimal() +
  coord_flip() +
  labs(title = "Number of streets dedicated to Tito in the former Yugoslavia", subtitle = "(by country)", caption = "Source: Google Maps; https://giorgiocomai.eu/FindingTito")


ExportGraph(graph = TitoGmapsByCountry_gg, filename = "TitoGmapsByCountry_gg")

This image is available for download in .png, .svg, and as an object in R’s .rds format.

ShowTable(TitoGmapsMore %>% count(administrative_area_level_1, country, sort = TRUE))
administrative_area_level_1 country n
Vojvodina Serbia 112
NA Serbia 61
Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine Bosnia and Herzegovina 21
Istarska županija Croatia 10
Primorsko-goranska županija Croatia 8
Međimurska županija Croatia 7
Municipality of Novo Selo Macedonia (FYROM) 6
Gostivar Macedonia (FYROM) 3
Vukovarsko-srijemska županija Croatia 3
Zagrebačka županija Croatia 3
NA Croatia 3
Municipality of Bogdanci Macedonia (FYROM) 2
Republika Srpska Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
Strumitsa Macedonia (FYROM) 2
Valandovo Macedonia (FYROM) 2
NA Macedonia (FYROM) 2
Delchevo Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Dojran Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Glavni grad Podgorica Montenegro 1
Gornja Radgona Slovenia 1
Ilirska Bistrica Slovenia 1
Jesenice Slovenia 1
Karlovačka županija Croatia 1
Laško Slovenia 1
Municipality of Berovo Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Bitola Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Bogovinje Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Demir Hisar Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Demir Kapija Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Gevgelija Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Gradsko Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Kichevo Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Kumanovo Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Makedonski Brod Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Shtip Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Struga Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Veles Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Municipality of Vinica Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Opština Rožaje Montenegro 1
Opština Tivat Montenegro 1
Osječko-baranjska županija Croatia 1
Postojna Slovenia 1
Radovish Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Šibensko-kninska županija Croatia 1
Sveti Nikole Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Tetovo Macedonia (FYROM) 1
Varaždinska županija Croatia 1
NA Montenegro 1
ExportData(data = TitoGmapsMore %>% count(administrative_area_level_1, country, sort = TRUE), filename = "TitoGmapsByAdmin1")

The data are available as a spreadsheet in .csv, .xlsx, and as a data frame in R’s .rds format.

ShowTable(TitoGmapsMore %>% count(administrative_area_level_2, country, sort = TRUE))
administrative_area_level_2 country n
NA Macedonia (FYROM) 36
Srednjobanatski okrug Serbia 26
Nišavski okrug Serbia 19
Južnobački okrug Serbia 18
Severnobanatski okrug Serbia 16
Južnobanatski okrug Serbia 15
Braničevski okrug Serbia 12
Severnobački okrug Serbia 11
Sremski оkrug Serbia 11
Zapadnobački okrug Serbia 11
Grad Beograd Serbia 6
Rasinski Okrug Serbia 6
NA Croatia 6
Borski okrug Serbia 5
Tuzlanski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 5
Zeničko-dobojski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 5
NA Serbia 5
NA Slovenia 5
Mačvanski okrug Serbia 4
Unsko-sanski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 4
NA Montenegro 4
Općina Nijemci Croatia 3
Pomoravski okrug Serbia 3
Hercegovačko-neretvanski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
Jablanički okrug Serbia 2
Općina Lovran Croatia 2
Općina Opatija Croatia 2
Općina Velika Gorica Croatia 2
Pčinjski Okrug Serbia 2
NA Bosnia and Herzegovina 2
Bosansko-podrinjski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Kanton 10 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Kanton Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Matulji Croatia 1
Općina Buje Croatia 1
Općina Buzet Croatia 1
Općina Čakovec Croatia 1
Općina Crikvenica Croatia 1
Općina Donji Vidovec Croatia 1
Općina Fažana Croatia 1
Općina Karlovac Croatia 1
Općina Kneževi Vinogradi Croatia 1
Općina Labin Croatia 1
Općina Marija Gorica Croatia 1
Općina Mursko Središće Croatia 1
Općina Nedelišće Croatia 1
Općina Novigrad Croatia 1
Općina Poreč Croatia 1
Općina Raša Croatia 1
Općina Rijeka Croatia 1
Općina Rovinj Croatia 1
Općina Šibenik Croatia 1
Općina Sveta Marija Croatia 1
Općina Umag Croatia 1
Općina Varaždinske Toplice Croatia 1
Općina Vrsar Croatia 1
Raški okrug Serbia 1
Srednjobosanski kanton Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
Zeničko-dobojska županija Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
ExportData(data = TitoGmapsMore %>% count(administrative_area_level_2, country, sort = TRUE), filename = "TitoGmapsByAdmin2")

The data are available as a spreadsheet in .csv, .xlsx, and as a data frame in R’s .rds format.

4.4 By street name

This is colourful, but not very useful, since it mostly points at the different ways in which Google Maps stores street names.

ShowTable(TitoGmapsResults %>% count(route, sort = TRUE))
route n
Maršala Tita 179
Marshal Tito 25
Ulica Maršala Tita 25
Marsal Tito 7
Trg Maršala Tita 6
Trg maršala Tita 5
Titova 4
Obala maršala Tita 3
Josipa Broza Tita 2
Titov trg 2
Trg Josipa Broza Tita 2
Ulica Josipa Broza Tita 2
Aleja Maršala Tita 1
Bulevar Maršal Tito 1
Cesta maršala Tita 1
Kej Marshal Tito 1
Marsala Tita Road 1
Marsala Tita Ulica 1
Marshal Tito Street 1
Obala Josipa Broza Tita 1
Poljana Maršala Tita 1
Šetalište maršala Tita 1
Tito marsall 1
Titova cesta 1
Titova ulica 1
Titova Uzhichka 1
Ulica maršala Tita 1
Ulica Titov Trg 1
Ulica Titova riva 1
mapTonerLite + 
  geom_point(data=TitoGmapsResults, aes(x=lon, y=lat, color = route), size=2, alpha=0.5) +
  labs(x = '', y = '') + labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito")

mapTonerLite + stat_bin2d(
  aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = route, colour = route),
  size = .5, bins = 20, alpha = 1/2,
  data = TitoGmapsResults)

Keeping only street names found more than once.

mapTonerLite + stat_bin2d(
  aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = route, colour = route),
  size = .5, bins = 20, alpha = 1/2,
  data = left_join(TitoGmapsResults, TitoGmapsResults %>% count(route)) %>% filter(n>1))

Or more than twice.

mapTonerLite + stat_bin2d(
  aes(x = lon, y = lat, fill = route, colour = route),
  size = .5, bins = 20, alpha = 1/2,
  data = left_join(TitoGmapsResults, TitoGmapsResults %>% count(route)) %>% filter(n>2))

mapTonerLite + 
  geom_point(data=left_join(TitoGmapsResults, TitoGmapsResults %>% count(route)) %>%
             aes(x=lon, y=lat, color = route), size=2, alpha=0.5) +
  labs(x = '', y = '') +
  labs(title = "Streets and squares dedicated to Tito")