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Wikidata for data journalism

(with R and ‘tidywikidatar’)

Wikidata Data Reuse Days 2022

Giorgio Comai


17 March 2022

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  • who am I?
  • why I felt the need for a new package for interacting with Wikidata?
  • tidywikidatar - a new(ish) R package
  • how it solves these problems
  • how tidywikidatar works
  • actual use cases
  • an interactive web interface for checking manually what automatic approaches may not get right
  • what next?
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Hi, I'm Giorgio Comai

  • one of our goals is to create tools for data journalists
  • I am the author of the R package tidywikidatar - an R package that facilitates exploring 'Wikidata' through tidy data frames
  • online mostly as @giocomai e.g. on GitHub, Twitter, Wikidata
  • I have a website, giorgiocomai.eu
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Why a new package for R?

  • there are other Wikidata packages for R, in particular:
    • WikidataQueryServiceR - SPARQL queries!
    • WikidataR - all of Wikidata's complexity, which in R translates into nested lists that differ depending on the content
  • R has quickly grown to prominence in data journalism largely thanks to the tidyverse, a suite of packages based on a consistent grammar that has data frames at its core. There was not an easy way to use Wikidata in a way that is consistent with this logic
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What's the matter?

  • R users mostly hate nested lists
  • some probably also hate SPARQL, but even more simply don't know much about SPARQL
  • if you don't know what to expect, it's a pain to process data
  • existing tools are not fit for the iterative data analysis process that is at the core of data journalism
  • re-running an analysis with minor changes is a very common part of the workflow... without built-in caching, this can be painfully slow
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Check out website with documentation and examples: https://edjnet.github.io/tidywikidatar/

CRAN status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

  • everything in tabular format
  • one row, one piece of information
  • easy local caching
  • easy integration with dplyr piped routines
  • get image credits from WikiMedia commons
  • include Wikipedia in the exploration, or use it as a starting point
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A couple of examples of practical use cases

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Olympics 2020 medalists by place of birth


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Main air routes that could be travelled by train

Wikidata used for: defining city hubs for airports, getting coordinates of airports (for excluding those on islands), use unique identifiers for merging with train dataset https://edjnet.github.io/european_routes/

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The basics

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Enable local caching

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
path = fs::path(fs::path_home_r(),
tw_set_language(language = "en")
tw_create_cache_folder(ask = FALSE)
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Or e.g. MySQL

library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
tw_enable_cache(SQLite = FALSE)
tw_set_cache_db(driver = "MySQL",
host = "localhost",
port = 3306,
database = "tidywikidatar",
user = "secret_username",
pwd = "secret_password")
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tw_search("European Union")
## # A tibble: 10 × 3
## id label description
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q458 European Union economic and politi…
## 2 Q319328 European Union antifascist resista…
## 3 Q326124 directive of the European Union legislative act of …
## 4 Q185441 Member state of the European Union state that is party…
## 5 Q208202 European Union law body of treaties an…
## 6 Q392918 European Union agency distinct body of th…
## 7 Q1126192 European Union Prize for Literature award
## 8 Q308905 presidency of the Council of the European Union rotating presidency
## 9 Q207203 Europol police agency of th…
## 10 Q276255 European Union Aviation Safety Agency European Union civi…
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Get an item

tw_search("European Union") %>%
slice(1) %>%
## # A tibble: 557 × 4
## id property value rank
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q458 label_en European Union <NA>
## 2 Q458 alias_en EU <NA>
## 3 Q458 alias_en E.U. <NA>
## 4 Q458 alias_en eu <NA>
## 5 Q458 alias_en 🇪🇺 <NA>
## 6 Q458 alias_en Europe <NA>
## 7 Q458 P1448 Европейски съюз normal
## 8 Q458 P1448 Evropská unie normal
## 9 Q458 P1448 Den Europæiske Union normal
## 10 Q458 P1448 Europäische Union normal
## # … with 547 more rows
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Get a specific property

tw_search("European Union") %>%
slice(1) %>%
tw_get_property(p = "P31")
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## id property value rank
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q458 P31 Q4120211 normal
## 2 Q458 P31 Q3623811 normal
## 3 Q458 P31 Q1335818 normal
## 4 Q458 P31 Q7210356 normal
## 5 Q458 P31 Q1048835 normal
## 6 Q458 P31 Q170156 normal
16 / 39

Get a specific property

tw_search("European Union") %>%
slice(1) %>%
tw_get_property(p = "P31") %>%
## # A tibble: 6 × 4
## id property value rank
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 European Union instance of regional organization normal
## 2 European Union instance of economic union normal
## 3 European Union instance of supranational union normal
## 4 European Union instance of political organization normal
## 5 European Union instance of political territorial entity normal
## 6 European Union instance of confederation normal
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What about qualifiers?

e.g. when did member states join the EU?

tw_get_qualifiers(id = "Q458", # European Union
p = "P150") # contains administrative territorial entity
## # A tibble: 37 × 8
## id property qualifier_id qualifier_prope… qualifier_value qualifier_value…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q458 P150 Q31 P580 +1958-01-01T00… time
## 2 Q458 P150 Q183 P580 +1958-01-01T00… time
## 3 Q458 P150 Q142 P580 +1958-01-01T00… time
## 4 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q3769 wikibase-entity…
## 5 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q17012 wikibase-entity…
## 6 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q17054 wikibase-entity…
## 7 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q17063 wikibase-entity…
## 8 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q17070 wikibase-entity…
## 9 Q458 P150 Q142 P1012 Q126125 wikibase-entity…
## 10 Q458 P150 Q38 P580 +1958-01-01T00… time
## # … with 27 more rows, and 2 more variables: rank <chr>, set <dbl>
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What about qualifiers?

tw_get_qualifiers(id = "Q458", # European Union
p = "P150") %>% # contains administrative territorial entity
filter(qualifier_property == "P580") %>% # keep only "start time"
transmute(country = tw_get_label(qualifier_id),
start_time = qualifier_value)
## # A tibble: 28 × 2
## country start_time
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 Belgium +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 2 Germany +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 3 France +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 4 Italy +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 5 Luxembourg +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 6 Kingdom of the Netherlands +1958-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 7 Denmark +1973-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 8 Republic of Ireland +1973-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 9 Greece +1981-01-01T00:00:00Z
## 10 Portugal +1986-01-01T00:00:00Z
## # … with 18 more rows
  • for more, check tw_get_property_with_details()
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Dealing with multiple results when only one is needed

Easy questions can be difficult: in which country is London?

tibble::tibble(city_qid = c("Q84")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(city_label = tw_get_label(city_qid),
country_qid = tw_get_p(id = city_qid,
p = "P17")) %>%
tidyr::unnest(country_qid) %>%
mutate(country = tw_get_label(country_qid))
## # A tibble: 8 × 4
## city_qid city_label country_qid country
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q84 London Q2277 Roman Empire
## 2 Q84 London Q110888 Kingdom of Essex
## 3 Q84 London Q105092 Kingdom of Mercia
## 4 Q84 London Q105313 Kingdom of Wessex
## 5 Q84 London Q179876 Kingdom of England
## 6 Q84 London Q161885 Great Britain
## 7 Q84 London Q174193 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland
## 8 Q84 London Q145 United Kingdom
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Dealing with multiple results when only one is needed

  • keeping first result is tricky
  • keeping only preferred may still give more than one result
  • people who love tabular data often want just one result, that needs to be "good enough"
tibble::tibble(city_qid = c("Q84", "Q220")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(city_label = tw_get_label(city_qid),
country_qid = tw_get_p(id = city_qid,
p = "P17",
preferred = TRUE,
latest_start_time = TRUE,
only_first = TRUE)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(country_label = tw_get_label(country_qid))
## # A tibble: 2 × 4
## city_qid city_label country_qid country_label
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q84 London Q145 United Kingdom
## 2 Q220 Rome Q38 Italy
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Different entry points

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  • tw_search() - search strings


  • tw_query() - simple queries based on property/value couples
  • tw_get_all_with_p() - get all items that have a given property, irrespective of their value

Based on Wikipedia

  • tw_get_wikipedia_page_links() - Get all Wikidata Q identifiers of all Wikipedia pages linked to input
  • tw_get_wikipedia_page_section_links() - All identifiers found in a specific section of a Wikipedia page
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An example starting from Wikipedia

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Election of the President of the Republic in Italy

  • Election of the President of the Republic in Italy
  • the electoral college can vote literally for whoever they like
  • the list ends up including very different candidates, from respected intellectuals to football players and porn actors
  • almost all of them with one thing in common: they are on Wikidata, but Wikidata does not know they have something in common.
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Wikidata identifiers

Take a single section:

df <- tw_get_wikipedia_page_section_links(
title = "Elezione del Presidente della Repubblica Italiana del 2022",
section_title = "IV scrutinio",
language = "it")
df %>% select(wikipedia_title, qid)
wikipedia_title qid
Adnkronos Q359875
Alberto Airola Q14636378
Aldo Giannuli Q3609233
Alessandro Altobelli Q346945
Alessandro Barbero Q960451
Carlo Nordio Q19357364
Dino Zoff Q180661
Domenico De Masi Q3713005
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Find out more

pob_df <- df %>%
select(qid) %>%
mutate(name = tw_get_label(qid)) %>%
mutate(place_of_birth_id = tw_get_p(id = qid, p = "P19",only_first = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(place_of_birth = tw_get_label(place_of_birth_id)) %>%
mutate(place_of_birth_coordinates = tw_get_p(id = place_of_birth_id,
p = "P625",
only_first = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 36 × 5
## qid name place_of_birth_… place_of_birth place_of_birth_…
## <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q359875 Adnkronos <NA> <NA> <NA>
## 2 Q14636378 Alberto Airola Q9474 Moncalieri 45,7.683333
## 3 Q3609233 Aldo Giannuli Q3519 Bari 41.125277777778…
## 4 Q346945 Alessandro Altobe… Q128211 Sonnino 41.414458333333…
## 5 Q960451 Alessandro Barbero Q495 Turin 45.066666666667…
## 6 Q19357364 Carlo Nordio Q5475 Treviso 45.672219444444…
## 7 Q180661 Dino Zoff Q53131 Mariano del F… 45.916666666667…
## 8 Q3713005 Domenico de Masi Q277969 Rotello 41.7475,15.0041…
## 9 Q3723207 Elisabetta Belloni Q220 Rome 41.893055555556…
## 10 Q726247 Franco Grillini Q94979 Pianoro 44.383333333333…
## # … with 26 more rows
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Here they are on a map

pob_sf <- pob_df %>%
col = place_of_birth_coordinates,
into = c("pob_latitude","pob_longitude"),
sep = ",",
remove = TRUE,
convert = TRUE) %>%
filter(is.na(pob_latitude)==FALSE) %>%
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("pob_longitude", "pob_latitude"), crs = 4326)
pop_gg <- ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = ll_get_nuts_it(level = 3, no_check_certificate = TRUE)) +
geom_sf(data = pob_sf, colour = "deeppink4") +
## ℹ Source: https://www.istat.it/it/archivio/222527
## ℹ Istat (CC-BY)

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All the usual things we expect from Wikidata

occupation_df <- df %>%
pull(qid) %>%
tw_get_property(p = "P31") %>% # get "instance of"
filter(value == "Q5") %>% # keep only humans
tw_get_property(p = "P106") %>% # get occupation
# filter(value!="Q82955") %>% # exclude politicians
group_by(value) %>%
count(sort = TRUE) %>%
ungroup() %>%
transmute(occupation = tw_get_label(value), n)
occupation n
politician 18
university teacher 5
judge 5
association football player 5
jurist 4
journalist 4
lawyer 3
association football manager 3
historian 2
sociologist 2
writer 2
high civil servant 1
deputy chairperson 1
essayist 1
music director 1
professor 1
entrepreneur 1
media proprietor 1
conductor 1
economist 1
diplomat 1
psychologist 1
film director 1
sports executive 1
radio personality 1
medievalist 1
theatrical director 1
academic 1
basketball player 1
physician 1
film critic 1
magistrate 1
musician 1
clerk 1
banker 1
television presenter 1
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And other things useful for data visualisation and interactive interfaces, e.g. quick access to images...

president_df <- tw_search("Sergio Mattarella") %>%
tw_filter_first(p = "P31", q = "Q5")
president_df %>% tw_get_image()
## # A tibble: 1 × 2
## id image
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q3956186 Presidente Mattarella.jpg
president_df %>% tw_get_image(format = "embed", width = 300) %>% pull(image)
## [1] "https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special:Redirect/file/Presidente Mattarella.jpg&width=300"
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...with metadata and credits line

president_df %>% tw_get_image_metadata() %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = -1, names_to = "property", values_transform = as.character)
## # A tibble: 18 × 3
## id property value
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 Q3956186 image_filename "Presidente Mattarella.jpg"
## 2 Q3956186 object_name "Presidente Mattarella"
## 3 Q3956186 image_description "<a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki…
## 4 Q3956186 categories "Attribution only license|Images from th…
## 5 Q3956186 assessments ""
## 6 Q3956186 credit "<a rel=\"nofollow\" class=\"external te…
## 7 Q3956186 artist "Unknown author<span style=\"display: no…
## 8 Q3956186 permission <NA>
## 9 Q3956186 license_short_name "Attribution"
## 10 Q3956186 license_url <NA>
## 11 Q3956186 license <NA>
## 12 Q3956186 usage_terms <NA>
## 13 Q3956186 attribution_required <NA>
## 14 Q3956186 copyrighted <NA>
## 15 Q3956186 restrictions "personality"
## 16 Q3956186 date_time "2020-04-14 18:33:11"
## 17 Q3956186 date_time_original "4 March 2015"
## 18 Q3956186 commons_metadata_extension "1.2"
31 / 39

Back and forth between Wikidata and Wikipedia

This gets the Q identifier of all pages linked from a the Wikipedia page of a given Q identifier. Easy peasy :-)

president_df %>%
tw_get_wikipedia(language = "it") %>% # gets url of Wikipedia page from QID
tw_get_wikipedia_page_links(language = "it") %>%
select(wikipedia_title, qid)
## # A tibble: 489 × 2
## wikipedia_title qid
## <chr> <chr>
## 1 Fabio Vander <NA>
## 2 Ordine per Meriti Eccezionali <NA>
## 3 Discussioni template:Capi di Stato d'Europa <NA>
## 4 1941 Q5231
## 5 1987 Q2429
## 6 1989 Q2425
## 7 1990 Q2064
## 8 1998 Q2089
## 9 1999 Q2091
## 10 2001 Q1988
## # … with 479 more rows
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Integration with interactive interfaces

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Issues and next steps

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General issues

  • if you are processing many thousands of items, the current approach can be very slow when run for the first time (near instant thanks to caching later)
    • no obvious long term solution, but a future version will allow for an easier way to share the cache to make sure others can also run the script instantly
  • no easy way to "give back" to Wikidata
    • I'm considering some sort of integration with QuickStatements, and welcome recommendations on best practices (not so much on the technical implementation, but rather, what kind of instructions or warnings I should expose to users)
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Issues related to the web interface and mapping

  • finalise the web interface, hopefully it will be out and public by the summer
  • make it more generic, for easier checks of arbitrary sets of strings
  • consider data issues, in particular the fact that many streets have an own item on Wikidata
  • consider ways to "give back" newly gathered data to Wikidata (the data generated via the web interface will anyway be public)
  • consider what to do with indirect outputs, e.g. lists of people who have street dedicated to them, but who apparently are not on Wikidata (also considering the inherent biases)
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Check out website with documentation and examples: https://edjnet.github.io/tidywikidatar/

CRAN status CRAN RStudio mirror downloads CRAN RStudio mirror downloads

  • everything in tabular format
  • one row, one piece of information
  • easy local caching
  • easy integration with dplyr piped routines
  • get image credits from WikiMedia commons
  • include Wikipedia in the exploration, or use it as a starting point
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  • who am I?
  • why I felt the need for a new package for interacting with Wikidata?
  • tidywikidatar - a new(ish) R package
  • how it solves these problems
  • how tidywikidatar works
  • actual use cases
  • an interactive web interface for checking manually what automatic approaches may not get right
  • what next?
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